First, a heartfelt thank you to the parents who provided a delicious lunch for our teachers last Friday on World Teachers' Day (Australia). We are so very grateful for your generosity and kindness. Our staff felt the love.
Over the past few weeks it has been such a privilege to welcome our new Kindergarten cohort for 2025. Our playgroup initiative, trialed last year, has been extended this year for the majority of Term Four. This is in addition to normal transition sessions. It is pure joy to watch these children and their families settle into our school community.
At school we hold child safety as the highest priority. We are obliged to operate under the NSW Child Safe Standards (pictured below), and work to demonstrate our commitment to these each year.
I would like to draw your attention to Standard 8: 'Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur'. At school we regularly take our students through processes around how to keep themselves safe online. It is important for you to be across this at home as well, minimising any opportunities where your child may be exposed to unsafe online practices or people who wish to cause them harm or distress. We have incredibly secure online platforms at school, including the use of Hapara, a digital platform through which teachers can actively supervise the content that the students are accessing on their devices. Occasionally though we hear about students being involved in online group chats outside of school where unkind comments are made. Please encourage your children to talk to you if this happens to them. The obvious course of action is to block the person who has made unkind comments. You are also well within your rights to report Cyber Bullying to the police and as well as any hate speech.
Protective factors for our students also involve a child being able to identify 5 trusted adults who they can talk to if they feel unsafe. This is known as the 5 Fingers of Support. I encourage you to have this conversation with your child/ children to see if they can readily identify their trusted adults. This particular graphic is from Kidshelpline, who suggest that the Helpline is the fifth trusted source. (While toys, pets and friends are not in the trusted adult group they are depicted in the palm of the hand to represent that these are also important to our children.)
As always please let us know if your child/children disclose any behaviours that make them feel unsafe. It is important that your child/children feel that they have a team of adults who are committed to keeping them safe.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend when it arrives. Spring is such a gorgeous time of year.
Kind regards,
Gayle Stratton
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Religious Education
Liturgical Reflection – Trusting in God’s Presence
This week’s readings remind us of the importance of faith and trust in God, even when life feels uncertain. In the Gospel, we see how Christ's love draws people closer to Him, offering healing and peace. We are reminded that, just as Jesus invited His disciples to follow Him with faith, we too are called to lean into His presence in our daily lives.
As we journey together in our school community, may we take time to reflect on God’s guidance in both the joyful and challenging moments. Let us pray for the courage to trust, knowing that God's love will sustain us every step of the way.
Last week, we celebrated NAIDOC Week, honouring the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A big thank you to Mr. Benton and the students who beautifully led our special liturgy, making the event truly memorable for our community!
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Everyone is welcome to attend our Remembrance Day Liturgy on Monday the 11th of November commencing at 10.40am in the hall. The liturgy will be led by our Year 6 leadership team.
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Christian Leadership Awards
Bobbie-Rose Stedman
Cruz Woodley
Andrea Jose
William Piper
Sebastian Townsend
Ava Ahearne
In recognition of
"Positive View of Life"
Lulu Meldrum
Sanusha Maddumahewa
Oscar Weily
Raelene Robin
In recognition of
"Community & Common Good"
Jye Edwards
Divyajyoiti Gurung
In recognition of
" God's presence in the world"
Amelia Grelli
Evlyn Kaur
In recognition of
Harriet Vogler
Reni Morrish
In recognition of "Search for
Truth & Wisdom"
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Curriculum News
This week, our teaching staff undertook professional learning led by Rose van Raad from the Catholic Education Diocese Bathurst. As part of the ongoing NSW Curriculum Reform, there are four new syllabuses to be implemented for Primary Schools over the next three years. These are
• HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment) - History and Geography
• CREATIVE ARTS - Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance
• PDHPE - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
At St Mary's, we have planned our ongoing implementation of the remaining syllabuses up to 2027 and have selected to begin teaching the new HSIE syllabus in 2025. While much of the concepts in HSIE will remain the same as our current syllabus, we are excited to be teaching some new content. For example, there will be some content on ancient histories and cultures, as well as a much greater focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
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School News
Newcastle Permanent Math's Competition is an annual competition, giving Year 5 and 6 student's the opportunity to test their numeracy and problem solving skills.
James Rudd was the proud recipient of the Newcastle Permanent Math's Competition District Award (Central West ) In the Year 6 Division .
Congratulations James on a wonderful achievement .
Congratulations to the following students for their achievement in the ICAS Competitions last term. ICAS provides a number of competitions which our students are invited to enter each year. These challenge students to apply and extend their learning in areas such as Mathematics, Science, English and Digital Technologies.
Congratulations to the following students on their achievement in the Australian Maths Competition. Students were invited to enter the competition which challenges and extends students' problem-solving skills.
Edible Garden Trail Planting
Last week in the gardening club the primary students planted our new seeds for the edible garden trail in pots so we can plant them in the garden beds for our new edible garden.
The infants planted veggie and flower seedlings. Some of the veggies that were planted are tomatoes, squash, zucchini, marigolds, and petunias.
Scarlett and Robert - Environmental Leaders.
2024 CaFE Grade Reps
Kinder: Alicia Holmes, Stacey Tracey (Kinder Orientation Night, Set up Kinder FB group)
Yr 1: Olivia Day-Gorham, Amy Hinchcliff (Kinder Welcome Morning Tea)
Yr 2: Renee Davis, Alicia Holmes (Mother’s Day gifts)
Yr 3: Mel Balchin, Olivia Day-Gorham (Mother's Day breakfast)
Yr 4: Jess McGrath and Katrina Holway (Father's Day gifts)
Yr 5: Kym Flitcroft, Kellie Pickering (Father's Day breakfast)
Yr 6: Kate Pulbrook, Sharon Collins (Easter Egg raffle and eggs. Organise Yr 6 2024 end of year event)
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Sports News
Bathurst Diocesan Community Sport
Dear Parents,
Keep up to date with sporting events and achievements across the Bathurst Diocese. Search CEBD community sport or use the following link.
(any changes to the uniform days will be sent out via Compass)
Kindergarten - Thursday &Friday
Year One - Thursday & Friday
Year Two - Thursday & Friday
Year Three - Thursday
Year Four - Thursday
Year Five - Wednesday & Thursday
Year Six - Thursday & Friday
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Class News
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Canteen News
SEVERE REACTIONS TO ‘NUTS’ & ‘EGGS’ As some of our students have a ‘nut’ and/or ‘egg’ allergy, we ask that nuts, nut products and eggs NOT be packed as part of school snacks and lunches. Sometimes even contact with nuts or eggs can trigger the severe reaction. This severe allergy is called ANAPHYLAXIS and can be life-threatening. Please, NO eggs, peanut butter, Nutella, nut products, etc.
(Check those labels to see that products do not contain nuts.)
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School-Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning (SPB4L)
School Dismissal
Our focus for the week has been on expected behaviour after school while waiting to be collected or catch the bus. Each day, we review the behaviours for being safe, respectful and responsible.
move promptly to the meeting area after the bell
sit in the correct area
stay seated (and will not play with balls or run around)
stay away from the play equipment, sand pit and cubby
only go to my designated pick up exit
follow teacher instructions
keep my device or phone in my bag
wait for my parent/carer and only exit the gate with them
watch for my parent/carer and walk to the gate
only leave with the person arranged to collect me
take all my belongings with me
stay seated while waiting for the bus
not play games
keep my device and/phone in my bag
listen for my bus to be called
take all my belongings with me
walk to the bus with the teacher
behave safely and responsibly on the bus
not use my Chromebook on the bus
show respectful behaviour on the bus
listen to the directions of the bus driver
report irresponsible behaviour to the bus driver, if needed
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Publications & Privacy Information
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Health Matters
Medication at School- Parental Advice
If your child requires medication that needs to be administered during school hours, please bring the medication to the school office, where it is stored safely. This includes asthma inhalers.
Medication must be authorised by a Medical practitioner with a letter
Students can come to the office at an arranged time to have the medication administered by trained First Aid Officers.
The office does not have Panadol, unless parents supply and complete a form for their child only.
Thank you
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Student Wellbeing
Children with communication devices such as iPhones and Smart Watches must be handed to the school office in the morning before class and collected at the end of the day. This includes any device capable of taking photos.
Please support your child to meet this school requirement.
If you need to contact your child during school hours please call the school office.
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Community News
St Mary's Uniform Shop
is run by Parent Volunteers and is open from 8:45 am for an hour on Friday Mornings.
If you have put your order through Flexi schools it will be packed the following Friday and sent home with your child.
Dear Parents & Carers
Please label students' clothing , so we can return them from lost property with ease.
Clothes that don't have names will be returned to the clothing pool, if not collected by the end of term.